freight truck on highway with sunset behind it

June 26, 2023

Wade Reynolds – [email protected]

Last updated
June 27, 2023

We want to hear from you! If you live, work, or play in unincorporated Hillsborough County, please take (and share) our 2050 Goods Movement & Truck Route Plan Survey by July 31, 2023 to be eligible for a $100 Walmart gift card drawing.

The Hillsborough TPO is coordinating with the County to update the Hillsborough County Truck Route Plan to establish designated truck routes that address issues and concerns raised by freight operators, shippers, and residents. By designating specific routes for trucks, we can reduce wear on roads, decrease traffic congestion, and minimize crash risks. Designated routes also help reduce noise and pollution in sensitive locations like neighborhoods and business areas. The goal is to balance the needs of our busy trucking industry with the quality of life for our citizens.

This information will also be incorporated into the movement of freight and goods Needs Assessment in the development of the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Maps will be developed to visually show the origin and destination patterns to see if established truck routes are being used or if variations are more prevalent. Individual projects will be identified to support the flow of freight through the county now and into the future for the safety and comfort of all route users.

Visit the 2050 LRTP page for more information.