stock photo of people planning, desk full of open notebooks and charts

The following are PDF maps, GIS shapefiles and other data commonly requested.


The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission and Metropolitan Planning Organization provide citizens, planners, and officials in the Hillsborough County, Tampa, Temple Terrace, and Plant City with maps and data using the latest in technology.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other advanced software systems supply objective, quality information for long-range planning purposes.


The Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission (the “Planning Commission”) makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information shown in text documents, maps, charts, and other materials (collectively, the “data”) produced or reproduced by this site. However, the Planning Commission makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to the use, accuracy, or interpretation of the data accessible at this site. The data is provided for informational purposes only. Before relying on this data, the user should contact the Planning Commission or other appropriate source to review the official records of the organizations, and confirm that the data is current. Our staff will be glad to assist you with obtaining the most current information and answer questions.

REPRODUCTION: This sheet may not be reproduced in part or full for sale to anyone without specific approval of the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission.

ACCURACY: It is intended that the accuracy of the map comply with U.S. national map accuracy standards. However, such accuracy is not guaranteed by the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission. This map is not a survey. For the most current and/or official data and information, contact the appropriate source organization.

APPROPRIATE USE: This map is for illustrative purposes, and is intended as a tool for long-range planning only. For other uses, contact the appropriate data sources for guidance.

Note: Additional Adopted Comprehensive Plan Maps can be found on our website under the “Plans” and “Comprehensive Plans” tabs for each respective jurisdiction.

Land Use and Community Plan Area Maps

These files are the Adopted Future Land Use, Existing Land Use and Adopted Community Plan Area Maps for Hillsborough County, Florida. Maps are processed quarterly, so please check with agency planners to verify land use for a specific parcel or area.

The Planning Commission’s Geographic Information System (GIS) contains a unique set of multijurisdictional planning data. Please read the disclaimer before downloading and using our GIS data or maps.

Adopted Future Land Use Maps

The Planning Commission’s Future Land Use maps and related data are updated on a quarterly basis. All effective plan amendments are current to the posted quarterly date. For more information regarding a specific plan amendment or other Future Land Use information please contact one of our Planners for details. Please read the disclaimer before downloading and using our pdf maps.

Future Land Use Reference Guide
Quarterly Update: March 1, 2024

Existing Land Use Map
Quarterly Update: March 1, 2024

Urban Service Area Map

Adopted Community Plan Areas Map

Transportation Maps

Regional Transportation Maps

Appropriate Credits of Data Use

The Planning Commission requests as a matter of professional courtesy and responsible cartographic practice, that mapping products created using our original data or any subset thereof, are credited and displayed within that product as The Planning Commission being the source of data provided. Thank you.

Descriptions – Existing and Future Land Use

Descriptions for Land Use Categories

Table of land use codes and their descriptions. Containing information regarding residential gross density, typical uses, maximum floor area ratio and specific intent.

Future Land Use

Current to Quarterly Update: March 01, 2024

The jurisdictional Future Land Use data is a generalized depiction created and intended to be used in coordination with Hillsborough County Property Appraiser’s Parcel data. In cases where a land use boundary falls within a right-of-way or water body, those boundaries have been brought to the approximate center of that feature. In order to determine proper land use category acreage, GIS analysis must be performed utilizing current parcel data and water boundaries.

Existing Land Use

Hillsborough County ELU Shape/Layer files – please contact our GIS Project Manager at [email protected]
Current to Quarterly Update: December 01, 2023
Hillsborough County Existing Land Use (ELU) is derived from the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser parcels and NAL DOR Codes.


Unincorporated Hillsborough County Planning Area Shapefiles

The Unincorporated Hillsborough County Planning Areas are used by the Planners to track and identify Rezoning cases. These boundaries are shown on our Future Land Use map defining areas that are based on, but not exactly the same as, the Community Planning Areas.

Unincorporated Hillsborough County Community Plan Areas Shapefiles

The Unincorporated Hillsborough County Community Plan Areas determine boundaries for strategic plans created by stakeholders and organized around a shared vision and goals for a community’s future. Community plans in unincorporated Hillsborough County recognize the distinct character of communities – rural, suburban, and urban – through strategies and actions oriented to community needs, values, and design preferences.

Hillsborough County Jurisdictional and Urban Service Area Boundaries Shape/Layer files

The Urban Service Area was established as part of The Long-Range Comprehensive Plan. This area focuses growth to a geographically defined area which is planned for urban services.

Plant City Zoning Shape/Layer files

Plant City Zoning polygons and codes in support of the city’s zoning regulations.

Coastal High Hazard area

The Coastal High Hazard Area is an area of special flood hazard extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources
