Nondiscrimation & Equity Plan

August 23, 2023

Connor Trejos-MacDonald | [email protected] | 813.946.5334

Last updated
December 12, 2023

There is big news on the horizon. The 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is taking a fresh approach with its latest addition – a fusion of data and public input for the 2050 Equity Needs Assessment!

Equity Needs Assessment maps for the 2050 LRTP

We mixed data and voices by blending insights from data analysis, public opinions, and multiple TPO projects. Zooming in, 13 transportation focus areas were identified – each carefully defined through collaboration with local governments, environmental justice (EJ) areas, and the Nondiscrimination & Equity Plan. We are drilling into the details with performance measures. Each transportation focus area is undergoing a performance check across four categories: State of Good Repair and Resilience, Vision Zero, Smart Cities, and Real Choices when not Driving. Initial findings highlight the most pressing disparities.  

The full report is on the way and will zero in on the biggest disparities in each focus area. You can think of it as a roadmap to a more equitable transportation system. So, start your brainstorming engines! Onward to action! The assessment’s next steps involve additional public input, narrowing down project recommendations, crunching cost estimates, and finalizing the report.  

All roads lead to integrating these findings into the 2050 LRTP. Stay tuned for more updates as we journey towards a more inclusive and equitable future in transportation. 

UPDATE 12/12/2023:

Full Report

2050 Long Range Transportation Plan