Electric car charger with female silhouette in the background

July 20, 2023

Planner – [email protected] – 813-272-5940

Last updated
August 2, 2023

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are on the rise, and that’s really exciting! But, with more EVs hitting the roads, we need to amp up our charging infrastructure. That’s where the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan (EVIP) comes in!

The demand for EVs is surging, and so is the need for more charging stations. We need solid policies and guidance to make it happen, plus chargers in public spaces to keep the juice flowing.

So, where does Hillsborough County stand? EVs in the county nearly doubled from 2018 to 2021. We’ve got around 500 chargers spread throughout the county, with downtown and the University Area having the highest concentration. The EVIP has its finger on the pulse of public opinion too. According to survey respondents, 80% prefer charging at home. 30% are a bit concerned about EV dependability during emergencies. That’s a valid concern that needs to be addressed.

Looking into the future, the Plan predicts that by 2050, a whopping 17 – 69% of Hillsborough’s vehicle fleet will be electric. To handle this electrifying demand, we are recommending having 4k to 16k chargers by 2050. We are also thinking about new multi-family and commercial developments. The Plan suggests 25 – 50% of new onsite parking spaces should be EV capable or ready, and 5 – 15% should have chargers installed, making EV convenient for everyone. When it comes to design, accessibility is key. The EVIP recommends ADA-accessible features for physical access and communication devices, ensuring that EV charging is inclusive. We are also planning for secure payments and cybersecurity.

EVIP is helping lead Hillsborough into embracing the electric future. If you’re into the nitty gritty, there’s even more design considerations in the draft Plan. The TPO Board will take action to approve the Plan at its August 9 regular meeting. For more information or to provide comment on the Hillsborough TPO Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan Draft, please contact Connor MacDonald at [email protected] or 813-946-5334.